I build LimeSurvey as a docker container, and as far as possible I want my build to be stable and repeatable.
Part of that is downloading and installing a specific versioin of the LimeSurvey archive.
Initially, I was using the download url from the website:
But it seems I can't use the download link from the website, the URL seems to get decommissioned not long after the next release comes out, which would then cause the docker image build to fail (unless it was cached).
So now I've switched to using the archive download from github:
I have two questions.
1) Is there any reason I shouldn't be using the github archive to install LimeSurvey from?
I know using the github release disables ComfortSurvey functionality, that's actually a good thing for me.
2) Why does the relase tag on github lag behing the download URL on the website?
Both links in the description above were copied on 2016-08-08, but as you can see: the latest website version is "limesurvey250plus-build160804", but the latest tag in Github is actually "2.50_plus_160731".
It's not a big deal to me, I'm just curious about your build process and how that happens (not the first time I've seen website and github out of sync)?