I have a survey which is optimized for PC and Laptop. Is there a way to detect the participants device and redirct them if they participate via mobile Browsers (mobile phone or tablet)?
There is no 100% method to detect mobile devices.
I cannot recommend the use of detectionscripts.
Mostly they rely on the OS/Broweragentstring or just use the screen resolution / viewport dimensions.
If you use e.g. virtual machines for browsing, where the resolution / viewport is smaller then these scripts identify you as a mobil user.
Yesterday I accessed a website with a product configuration via a subnotebook with 1366x768 and I was shown a message, that I should use a notebook to access the configuration. Did I inform the webmaster about this buggy script. No.
There are mobile devices with browsers which can be switched into a desktop mode (eg. chrome). That will enforce that the website don't use the smart ass detection of mobile optimization. From time to time new modes are added to browser and the detection scripts need an update since they got confused.
I warn people if the survey isn't easy or not optimized for mobile usage. I put these warnings in the invitation and at the start of the survey.
Guess what, there are still users with answer these surveys with their iphones and ipads. If it fine for them, it is fine for me.
But I cannot afford to piss of people eager to answer the survey.
if you use detection scripts ensure that people can override the detection. It is the same crap with language detection. The website know better than me what language I want to read.
I agree with Jelo. I always get annoyed when a script tries to force something on me.
May Windows in in Portuguese (because it was only sold with single language windows, so I have to stick with that).
Most of my software, especially browsers is in English. Because the best information and tutorials are usually in English.
But then I might want to read your content in German, or Spanish...
Also on the tablet: I hate the cribled mobile sites, because if you have a tablet the desktop site will work well and usually is a lot quicker to use, with less scrolling, etc. So I use opera, because I can "fake" a computer enviroment there and I get rid of the stupid mobile site...
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Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.