There are not templates in build 160620. It has only one green theme. In build160506, all themes worked fine. How can I get the other themes in build 160620?
Hi, z_irfan,
do you talk about templates or themes?
In this build (as before) all three templates (default, news paper and ubuntu orange) are included.
I think you talk about themes, because you mentioned something green.
Please see the screenshot that all themes are also included.
So there should be something with your installation.
What is in the directory "styles" on your server? There should be a subdirectory for each theme.
In case it's empty try to copy these files from your backup.
Sorry for not being of more help.
Best regards
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Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless
Thank you for the reply. I rsynced the "styles" and "styles-public" directory from old to new installation, still no go. It actually breaks the visual stuff, not able to see images etc.
I downloaded the latest build (build160715) and everything is fine!