I did a new install of LimeSurvey. The install went well except towards at the end I got an error message: "No input file specified" after the installation. I followed the instruction on the 'Troubleshooting guide and changed 'urlFormat' => 'get' in /application/config/config.php
I can now get to the admin login screen but keep getting "Incorrect username and/or password!" message when I try to login. The 'Forgot password" option is not working also. Here's the details of my install:
LimeSurvey version: 250plus-build160620
Database: MySQL
PHP Version: 5.4
Tried it on Google Chrome and IE 11 - same result.
I did another re-install and that did not help either.
Any suggestion on how I can resolve this issue? Thanks in advance for your help.
Wanted to add that I created a general user within the database user table and was able to login with that. But without being able to login as an admin, the site is useless. Already spent 5/6 hours troubleshooting
Thank you very much for your response. No, I do remember the ID/PW that I used during the setup but the system was not taking it.
Did you reinstall into the same database? Yes, but before the second install, I had deleted all the DB tables.
I believe there was an issue with the install. Because the user table did not have an entry for the administrator account. I have added that to the user table now and was able to login as the admin user. But unfortunately, the admin user does not have the proper permission associated to it. Do you know the SQL query that I can use to update all the related tables to give the admin the right permission/privilege?