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LimeSurvey on XAMPP. MySQL will not start after reboot.

8 years 8 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #138061 by rdh61
I have installed LimeSurvey on XAMPP on Windows 10. The installation was successful, and I was able to log into LimeSurvey and import a survey created beforehand on another computer. However, after rebooting my computer, I cannot access LimeSurvey on localhost in my browser. The reason is that something is preventing MySQL from starting. My XAMP control panel tells me:

17:47:28 [mysql] Attempting to start MySQL app...
17:47:28 [mysql] Status change detected: running
17:47:29 [mysql] Status change detected: stopped
17:47:29 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.
17:47:29 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
17:47:29 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
17:47:29 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
17:47:29 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
17:47:29 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this
17:47:29 [mysql] entire log window on the forums

I am attaching the log file. Any help appreciated.
Last edit: 8 years 8 months ago by rdh61. Reason: Failed attachment
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8 years 8 months ago #138215 by rdh61
:( Can't believe I'm the only one having this problem!
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8 years 8 months ago #138264 by jelo

rdh61 wrote: :( Can't believe I'm the only one having this problem!

Since you already posted in the XAMPP forum
you will have to wait. I don't think many users use XAMPP for productive surveys.

In the meantime you can follow the advice of the error message
"check the Windows Event Viewer for more clues".
If you find some entries post them on the XAMPP forum.

The meaning of the word "stable" for users
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8 years 8 months ago #138274 by Ben_V
a short cut to solve this issue might be switch to wampserver


EM Variables => bit.ly/1TKQyNu | EM Roadmap => bit.ly/1UTrOB4
Last Releases => 2.6x.x goo.gl/ztWfIV | 2.06/2.6.x => bit.ly/1Qv44A1
Demo Surveys => goo.gl/HuR6Xe (already included in /docs/demosurveys)
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8 years 7 months ago #138794 by jaishree

rdh61 wrote: I have installed LimeSurvey on XAMPP on Windows 10. The installation was successful, and I was able to log into LimeSurvey and import a survey created beforehand on another computer. However, after rebooting my computer, I cannot access LimeSurvey on localhost in my browser. The reason is that something is preventing MySQL from starting. My XAMP control panel tells me:

17:47:28 [mysql] Attempting to start MySQL app...
17:47:28 [mysql] Status change detected: running
17:47:29 [mysql] Status change detected: stopped
17:47:29 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.
17:47:29 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
17:47:29 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
17:47:29 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
17:47:29 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
17:47:29 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this
17:47:29 [mysql] entire log window on the forums

I am attaching the log file. Any help appreciated.

Well, i m not sure about this but, this may work for you.
go to Xampp/mysql/bin/my.ini add the following line:
innodb_force_recovery = 1

Now, restart the xampp MySQL service through Xampp->mysql->bin-> mysqld.exe file running the mysqld.exe file
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