this might be an update problem (might be a newb problem too); i last accessed LimeSurvey, this survey, and this database, about two years ago. hope this is the best forum to ask for help?
the error displays when i try to access .../survey/index.php
since it's been two years, i'm fuzzy, but didn't it used to ask for username and password if it was protected? not sure how to get in!
Looks like the settings in your config file are not correct (any more?). Your database is normally protected by a database username/password combination. You normally will not see this, as this happend behind the screens.
Look at the database server en find out about the correct details for accessing the database. This has nothing to do with the admin password, it may be completely different.
Why is now, after two years pops up, I can only guess. Maybe someone updated the MySQL server with a new version and deleted some users...
Tammo ter Hark at Respondage
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