I'm having a big problem on my LimeSurvey. It keeps asking for an upgrade, but it also keeps failing.
I don't know if this part is important, but this is when it happened:
I needed to delete some questions from a specific questiongroup and I cmd+clicked a few times on that questiongroup so it opened up a few times in a new tab. Ater that I started clicking on questions in a questiongroup to delete it, next tab to delete again, but than this sudenly came up:
The warning I get everytime I go to mydomain.com/limesurvey/admin
Translation: "Database upgrade - Check the following information before you continue"
I could not do anything else then click the "continue-button", so I did that. After waiting a moment this appears:
Translation: Update failed. Errors:
CDbCommand failed during executing following SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'SessionName' for key 'PRIMARY'
Please fix this error in your database and try again.
I already searched a lot, tried things like remove entry "SessionName" from a table, but nothing helps.
Can somebody please give me a solution? I'd be very greatfull!
Thank you very much!