Hello to you all,
I have been searching the forums for few hours now in order to find a way to solve my current problem which is:
I am using version 2.06 so I should be able to use expression manager to solve it but I can't.
Question 1
Code: Q00001
Type: Array
Number of subquestions: 12
Subquestions code: 1, 2, .... 12
Number of answers option: 2
Answers option code: 1, 2
Question 2
Code: Q00002
Type: Array
Number of subquestions: 12 (same subquestions as in Question 1 above)
Subquestions code: 1, 2, .... 12 (same subquestions code as in Question 1 above)
What I want to do is to set up a Filter Array in Question 2 that will show only the Subquestions which were given the anwser code 1 in Question 1
Up to now I tried to put this in the Filter Array of Question 2
1. {Q00001 == '1'}
then tried
2. (Q00001 == '1')
then tried
3. {Q00001_1.NAOK == '1' && Q00001_2.NAOK == '1' && Q00001_3.NAOK == '1' && ..... Q00001_12.NAOK == '1' }
then tried
4. {Q00001_1.NAOK == '1' || Q00001_2.NAOK == '1' || Q00001_3.NAOK == '1' || ..... Q00001_12.NAOK == '1' }
As you can see, I really do not understand what I am doing.
Can you help me please ?
I mean help me solve my problem but also help me understand how to think like a limesurveyist.
You need to set filter in each line of Question 2.
When you edit subquestion code : you can show an input.
Put this inside for 1 Q00001_1.NAOK == '1'
for 2 : Q00001_2.NAOK == '1'
etc ....
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Merci beaucoup ! Vos suggestions et commentaires sont toujours judicieux.
C'est tellement simple et élégant. J'utilise présentement LS 2.06 et je prévois déployer mon système d'ici 3 ou 4 semaines. Est-ce que le LS 2.5 est suffisamment mature pour que je fasse la mise à jour et que je l'utilise en mode production ?
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