after a ComfortUpdate I did a month ago I see such error:
CDbCommand SQL: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1273 Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_bin'
I did it the update from 2.50+ version, before the update the LS worked fine.
Unfortunately I am not a PHP whatsoever specialist. Any clue?
MySQL have issue with emoji. This van break db . we nées to use emoji collation.
I think 2.06 dont use emoji collation. Try to install a 2.06 version. Or Update tour mysl server ( sée manual for minimum)
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I did not solve this problem yet.
Where can I find the file having this line:
SQL: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1273 Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_bin'
I came up to an idea, please correct me if I think wrong: my default admin language is Polish.
If I only could switch to English would that error still pop up?
Is there any way to change language setting directly in config files?
Or it make no sense and the error will appear anyways?
Oh, and I noticed LS has been installed on MySQL 5.0, that would be my solution here?
How can I take save and backup old surveys with all answers, tokens etc,?