I have setup a survey, for testing the platform and learning its uses.
also set up a additional user, and added this user to survey permissions.
Since this user, is only for exporting stats and reading responses I have setup up the user as follows
User global settings
inside survey i have this for the user i added
I noticed the following issues.
The user can edit the survey, even if not allowed, either this survey or any other in the survey list.
Can see all surveys on the list, not only "his", if I remove the global surveys->read/view, he cannot see any surveys, not even "his".
What I needed was for a setup that allowed one user to login, see what surveys he can access (not all in the platform), and each survey would allow him to have separate rights, example in one he can edit, delete, etc, but on another survey he can only get the responses and stat, just view and export.
Am I doing something wrong or is this not possible to do or is a bug in the system?
Best regards
Nuno Reis