first things first: We are modifying Limesurvey code on our webserver
to add a new language after every update. Yes, we are bad bad people and should shame ourself, and we know that this is not supported in any way.
We are commercially using Limesurvey for Event Registration (and surveys) since v1.7x... to accomplish a proper wording, we edit the /locale/de.mo file, and find&replace the word "survey" with "registration" (in German), then save the file as /locale/de-anmeldung/de-anmeldung.po.
We also edit the file surveytranslator_helper.php and insert a snippet
// German Anmeldung
$supportedLanguages['de-anmeldung']['description'] = gT('Deutsch (Anmeldung)');
$supportedLanguages['de-anmeldung']['nativedescription'] = 'Deutsch (Anmeldung)';
$supportedLanguages['de-anmeldung']['rtl'] = false;
$supportedLanguages['de-anmeldung']['dateformat'] = 1;
$supportedLanguages['de-anmeldung']['radixpoint'] = 1;
$supportedLanguages['de-informal']['cldr'] = 'de';
and modify the function in the same file
function translateLStoYiiLocale($sLocale)
// Strip informal string
$sLocale=str_replace('-anmeldung','',$sLocale); // added by us
return $sLocale;
This was working fine for us in the last few years and at least up to 2.06+ 160129
Unfortunately one of the latest few LTS Updates broke this method for us, we are now getting the error message
Internal Server Error, Unrecognized locale "de-anmeldung" once we create a new survey using this language file and browse to the first question.
We don't ask you to fix this problem as this is only related to our special needs and not supported. But as there are not hints in the release notes regarding language changes, we wonder if you can point us to specific changes or git commit you made in the latest 2-3 LTS releases, regarding the language files which might cause this problem...