We have a LimeSurvey install that we have been using for some time that for all intents and purposes seemed to be working fine. Recently we have begun noticing that not all of the surveys that are submitted via LimeSurvey which are supposed to trigger an email off the back of the survey are actually doing so. About 30% of the emails triggered by LimeSurvey are never being sent.
I have checked the logs of the SmartHost that we are using for the purpose and the emails are never getting as far as it to be relayed onward. I'm now trying to troubleshoot the issue from the perspective of LimeSurvey.
I notice within the SMTP settings page that there is an SMTP debug option which I changed to "ON" as part of this troubleshooting, but I cannot find where the debug information is being saved / logged. The documentation on this setting shows that it will most likely contain exactly what I'm looking for to narrow down the issue. Can anyone point me in the direction of where this information is logged to be able to review it?
This debug is shown to admin user when sending token invitation/reminder.
Not elsewhere
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Thanks for your response. If that's the case, is there other logging elsewhere of SMTP attempts? If not, how can one troubleshoot issues relating to intermittent sending when the SMTP config is clearly correct but only 60-70% of mails are actually being sent?