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Cant access to Limesurvey - no buttons visible

9 years 3 weeks ago - 9 years 3 weeks ago #131039 by wsge
I recently upgraded LS from perfectly working "2.06+ Build 151109" to barely working "2.50+ Build 160204" and today again to not working at all "2.50+ Build 160206".

After upgrading to 2.50+ Build 160204 on Friday, I could access admin panel, but I could see only text layer together with a white background. I thought it was a template issue (despite I always use default ones). Today I used ComfortUpdate again and upgraded LS to 2.50+ Build 160206, logged out and cleared Chrome's cache.
Unfortunately all I can see now is that:

I am not very experienced admin. Whole tool has been set by a IT guy who is no longer hired in our organization. However, I do have full access to our FTP serwer.
All I did was to use a ComfortUpdate button (only stable versions) and I do have to face this problem now. Not to mention I wanted to use it to start a very important yearly survey, so I am under a big time pressure from my bosses.
Any clue?
Last edit: 9 years 3 weeks ago by wsge. Reason: misspelling
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9 years 3 weeks ago #131064 by holch
As far as I know, 2.5 was NOT distributed as stable version via ComfortUpdate (from 2.06).

I installed 2.5 a few weeks ago when unstable on my test server and there were some hickups, but the interface showed fine. I upgraded via comfortupdate from and older 2.5 to the newest and stable 2.5 and it worked all fine. UI is showing without problems.

I would guess that your's is missing a few files. Somehow CSS seems not to show.

Could it be that you are using a modified template to show this page? Templates in 2.5 have changed quite a bit and old templates will probably not work. Try to use a template that comes with Limesurvey 2.5 (survey template, as this is what is running this page). But from what I understood you also have problems with the admin backend?

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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9 years 3 weeks ago - 9 years 3 weeks ago #131069 by wsge
The print screen attached above is a first thing I saw after latest update. I expected I would go through some "installation" process but cannot hit any button to proceed, so I cannot change my template. How can I go through that?

Since obviously I cannot do any ComfortUpdate at this point, what would you suggest to do?
Is there any way to get back to old 2.06+ ? Can I downgrade and restore the 2.06? I hope there is a not so complicated way to get back to older ver. since I am not very advanced in PHP and database configuration.
Or should I wait for a new upgrade of 2.50+ Build 160206 version? I never installed LS upgrades/downgrades manually so that can be a bit of a problem.

I also consider installing 2.06 in a new, separate folder at the FTP server. Is it "do-able" by a not very advanced user? Of course I would like to transfer all of my old survey into a new installation (if I decide to go for it).
Last edit: 9 years 3 weeks ago by wsge. Reason: not full answer
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9 years 3 weeks ago #131072 by holch
That screenshot is the public survey list. For the admin screen you need to go to the subfolder /admin/

There are ways to downgrade, though I have never used it so far. Tested software always in parallel before to make sure that my server configuration has all the requirements.

For installing limesurvey you don't really need to know how to program PHP. Being able to upload files to the server and creating a MySQL data base should be enough. The rest is a simple interface that guides you through the process.

Usually, if you clean up the folder where LS is installed at the moment (secure the config.php and config-default.php because they will contain your credentials). Then you upload the new files (or the old ones in case you want to go back to 2.06) and once this is done, you can go through the installation process. But you need to make sure that all necessary files are uploaded via FTP. Sometimes, with so many files not everything is uploaded correctly, which can lead to major problems.

I am wondering if the PHP version on your server is causing this problem. However, during the upgrade process usually there comes a compatibility page which checks if the version of software on your server are OK. I think I would try to upload the files of 2.5 via FTP first and see if there was something missing.

Do you have the credentials for the MySQL database? You need to make sure to have those for all of this. Check in the config.php and config-defaults.php

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  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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9 years 3 weeks ago #131078 by holch
Some useful links in the manual:


By the way, there are some others that have similar problems and from what I understood there seems to be differences between server setups. I would guess that somehow your server filters Javascript or something.


Help us to help you!
  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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9 years 3 weeks ago #131264 by wsge
Seems I found the solution (worked for me) => I updated the PHP from 5.3 to 5.6 and it works. All surveys available.
I also did available ComfortUpdate and it worked. So far no issues.
Thanks for your help.
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