I recently upgraded LS from perfectly working "2.06+ Build 151109" to barely working "2.50+ Build 160204" and today again to not working at all "2.50+ Build 160206".
After upgrading to
2.50+ Build 160204 on Friday, I could access admin panel, but I could see only text layer together with a white background. I thought it was a template issue (despite I always use default ones). Today I used ComfortUpdate again and upgraded LS to
2.50+ Build 160206, logged out and cleared Chrome's cache.
Unfortunately all I can see now is that:
I am not very experienced admin. Whole tool has been set by a IT guy who is no longer hired in our organization. However, I do have full access to our FTP serwer.
All I did was to use a ComfortUpdate button (only stable versions) and I do have to face this problem now. Not to mention I wanted to use it to start a very important yearly survey, so I am under a big time pressure from my bosses.
Any clue?