Hello to you all.
Just upgraded to LS 2.5- + build 160206
Tried to Add a condition to a question and found I could not Save the condition since no Save button is available.
Awkard to say the least.
Note : Nice new interface. However, I am not sure if the logic of the UI is better than in the earlier versions.
The same problem here, but I was sure, that conditions worked in older version of the stable release 2.50+. So I compared the complete folder "application/views/admin/conditions" with the equal ones from 2.50+ 20160202 and 2.50+ 20160204. The complete structure has changed. I will have a closer look to that...
I asked the same question on the French section of this forum and the expert who replied to me did not see any problem and advised me to hire an expert programmer to implement this button.
I found the bug. Seems there is a little css or template problem. Have a view to the appended screenshots
1. Limesurvey 2.5+ 20160206 > The RegEx tab is below the other ones > Here you can't see the "Delete / Save" buttons
2. Limesurvey 2.5+ 20160202 > The RegEx tab is in line with the other ones > Here you can see the "Delete / Save" buttons
But they are not visible because of overlay problems with the footer.
The solution is:
1. Edit "views > admin > conditions > includes > form_editconditions_header.php"
> change line 21
from <div class="col-sm-4>
to <div class="col-sm-4 col-lg-12">
> this will make the form using the complete width on large screens
2. Edit "styles > Sea_Green > css > lime-admin.css"
> change line 1704 - 1706
from .footer {
z-index: 100;
position: absolute;
to .footer {
z-index: 100;
position: relative;
That's it, if you use another admin template search for ".footer" and change the position from "absolute" to "relative".
Now the buttons appear correctly, see the attached screenshot.