Hi, I just had a look at the currrent demo version, and here are some thoughts.
- The build/RC number is not listed at the bottom any longer with the version. I found it useful to have it there to quickly compare to a version number that has a fix. If I would not find it there, then where?
- Checked to see if the survey listing is back in participant panel, and it's not. I may have jumped the gun there and the update may not be there yet.
- tried to add a participant to a survey; that took me to screen
without any buttons or ways to progress from there.
seems like a cool idea. Tried to use it to replace the update button with the CPDB but there is not actually any save or apply (or any) button there to activate this. Is it meant to be editable? Maybe disabled in demo mode?
- in CPDB, if I click the "+" before a participant to get the attribute listing, the attributes show up, but no action buttons. Also, the only attribute that was present when I tested (eee) didn't have the dropdown box visible until I double-clicked on it. Tried to make a change to this attribute and it did not stick. Again, may be jumping the gun on this. Chances are, because I could edit the one for the participant I imported.
- tried to do an import of participants as exported from out Limesurvey 2.06; on screen after the one where I pick the file ("Select which fields to import as attributes with your participant.") there are no buttons or options. Wait. If I drag some text that totally didn't give me any indication that it would be draggable it actually works. Wonder if there is a CSS or similar problem and the page is just incompletely formatted. I will get a screen shot, note the "General Internal Medicine" attribute is the one I dragged. see
- participant list -> "+" -> Participant's attribute information now has a dropdown to ask how many to list, but that drop-down doesn't seem to affect the actual list.
- looks like only 8 of our 17 attributes got imported. All were visible on the mapping screen. Only 9 are visible under participant listing and under attribute listing.
Thanks for all the development work lately. I am trying to write this down to help as a tester, not to whine, I appreciate all the stuff you guys have fixed lately! Let me know if there is any other testing I could help with, it's exciting to see progress in this.