In version 2.06 I can click on the "+" before a participant to expand two extra panels: one to edit attributes and one to list the surveys for the participant. The survey listing seems to be gone in 2.5. We use it a fair bit, but I understand there was a discussion about breaking out things that were core into plug-ins. I am happy to install a plug in, but where would I find any such new plugins? I won't be able to upgrade to 2.5 with this missing...
This plugin most probably doesn't exist. And the discussion was more for version 3, I think (to get it working as quick as possible, because Limesurvey has grown quite big and this is a complete rewrite).
I would make a bug report.
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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Hi Holch, funny you should suggest that, I had it in a bug report ([Bug reports 10192]) and LouisGac suggested I post it here. I would say you are right, something that was working broke, should go on the bug site. Do you think I should post a separate bug again?