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LDAP Authentication to Active Directory

  • DHewes
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9 years 1 month ago #130518 by DHewes
Hello Everyone,

Having some difficulty getting LDAP working on a new clean installation of Lime. Any pointers would be appreciated.

I have a clean installation of Lime Survey that is not attempting to contact the LDAP server for authentication. I am not to the point of troubleshooting the LDAP settings such as cn= or uid=, etc. because the server isn't even making an IP connection to the LDAP server. At this point when I run tcpdump -i any -vvv -n host {IP of LDAP server}, and then try to log in using LDAP in the dropdown I see that the server does not make any form of communications to the LDAP server. I have set the IP, version, port, SSL or not, base DN and other settings both in the web UI of the LDAP authentication plugin (and have disabled and re-enabled it) as well as the ldap.php file and the config-defaults.php file and have set enabling to true in config.php. I have confirmed that there is no local firewall or SELinux setting blocking access. I can telnet to the LDAP server over TCP 389 and 636 from the same server. I installed Moodle with LDAP authentication on the same server (with only a single interface and IP bound to the box) and it can perform LDAP authentication just fine to the exact same server. When I telnet or use Moodle authentication I immediately see the traffic in tcpdump. I have tried several variations of the settings and nothing results in Lime tried to connect to the LDAP server.

I am sure I am missing something stupid, but the manual isn't complete in this area so I am unable to find my mistake. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have a clean installation of LIME Survey v.2.5 RC7 160122. I previously tried this with v.2.06 and had the same issue.

Again, since LDAP authentication is working perfectly on the same server/web server instance I am inclined to think this is not an OS or PHP issue, but who knows:

The OS is CentOS Linux v.7.2.1511 (Core) in 64-bit
PHP v.5.6.17 (Remi alternative distro)

LDAP Support enabled
RCS Version $Id: 8b66ba44ca73bb75a8e8dc1a5b7ab1f8737e2785 $
Total Links 0/unlimited
API Version 3001
Vendor Name OpenLDAP
Vendor Version 20440
SASL Support Enabled
Directive Local Value Master Value
ldap.max_links Unlimited Unlimited

Thanks for any help!
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8 years 4 months ago #143916 by bdeprez
Replied by bdeprez on topic LDAP Authentication to Active Directory

did you ever find out what was wrong? I'm interested as we'll be trying LDAP as well...

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Moderators: holchtpartner

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