in our current installation (Ubuntu 14.04, Limesurvey Version 2.06+ Build 151215) everything seems to work fine except email.
When trying to send out invitations, limesurvey claims to have sent the emails, but they haven't.
The strange thing: I turned on smtp debug, but there are no messages. See below the output.
I tried different settings (smtp, php, sendmail, tls, ssl, port 587, standard port and so on) partly just to provoke errors, but still no smtp debug.
I guess it's just a little thing I've overseen in the installation, but I have no idea where to look. So any help is appreciated.
Sende Einladungen...
(Sende an Teilnehmer-IDs: 6)
Einladung versandt an:6: Jürgen Mertens (mertens@esss.de)
SMTP Debug Ausgabe:
Alle E-Mails wurden gesendet.
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