I'm an experienced Database/Web/Server Admin but still cannot figure out why the Install cant connect to my MS SQLExpres Database.
I'm trying to install LimeSurvey 206+ (latest satable version) on Winserver 2008 R2 Datacenter / IIS
I have the same LimeSurvey on the same Server running with MySQL. But I would rather have it on MS SQL.
The MS Database and Server is up and running. Have many applications using this Database and server
PHP Info reports mssql support ready
The message I keep getting is "Connection with database failed. Please check database location, user name and password and try again."
The user name and Passwortd are 100% correct I can use them to connect using the SQL Manager no problem.
The DB Server is configured for tcp
DB Server Instance name: "SQLEXPRESS"
Normally to connect to the DB you have to use: "[SERVER NAME]\SQLEXPRESS"
Locations I've tried:
Figured it out myself. I wrote a PHP script that uses PDO MSSQL to connect to the database and select some test data. configured it to show all errors ... and .. low and behold got a message that the server is missing odbc drivers. Installed downloaded and installed the drivers now the install works.