All the possibilities to enable/disable/control comfortUpdate have been put back in 2.5.
LimeSurvey community, and LimeSurvey admins over the world, had a huge problem with updates those last years. We have way too many installations based on old released (2.05, 2.00, 1.9x, etc.), which is a huge problem for everybody. The last huge security issue found on all the 2.x is just an illustration of it.
Until now, not enough people were aware that the comfortUpdate exists. It was hard to find it in the global settings, and like invisible for most people. It was really important to push people to use it, and to update LimeSurvey, with very clear and visible update notifications. It was very important that normal users, managers, directors, became aware that updates were available for LimeSurvey, and that they push their IT teams and LimeSurvey administrators to update, because too much of them wasn't doing it at all.. We started this politic few time before the huge security issue was found. Just in time.
In 2.5, the comfortUpdate is really visible, from the landing page, and the notification system will be less aggressive and more elegant. So we'll give back the whole power to LimeSurvey administrators.
About the unstable branch : we still need more testers. So please, come to it, test it, report bugs, ask for features, say what you like, dislike. We need you, we're doing it for you.
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