I mean if lime has a pool where to manage db connections. For example can I set in lime a maximum simultaneous connection to the db and the minumum connection always open to use?
What happens when 1000 users access the survey simultaneously and the db has only 100 open connections?
Can lime opens more connections than those configured in the database?
Like all PHP/SQL system : we need connection when we need it, not a connexion by user.
If you have 100 user at a time on a survey : in general you don't need 100 connexion, but between 5 and 20 (completely by noise : depend on survey complexity).
Each page produced by PHP wait for open conexion : if you have little connexion pool and a lot of user : PHP production is more long.
But : if you need more connexion : you have to see with your hoster. f you are on your server : it can be unlimited.
LimeSurvey can not open more connexion than DB configuration .... we are not magician.
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