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Dynamic Question/Item Order

  • Obererpel
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9 years 4 months ago #127680 by Obererpel
Dynamic Question/Item Order was created by Obererpel
Hi everybody,

I'm trying to do the following procedure: In the first step probands have to rate several items using 5 star scales. This should be no problem.
In the second step they have to answer more questions about the items, but the questions must be ordered by the rating in the first step.

First question group:
How do you like
i1 - **
i2 - ***
i3 - **
i4 - ****

Second Question Group:
How often do you use (never | always or something like that)

How could this be done? An ugly, but possible way would be DOM-cutting and pasting the questions, but seriously, I don't want that, if it's not necessary.
Thanks in advance!
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