I upgraded from 2.05 to 2.06+ build151018
The note in the 'Special Checks' says a lot of unused permission settings are now used. Unfortunately I had in the global settings ticked each option for 'Surveys' originally so had to manually uncheck all 50+ users very urgently as nearly all users could see each others results!
In hindsight, would it be better to do this via sql ? (before upgrading of course)
To see a list of users and global permissions , I'm guessing it's:
SELECT * FROM `lime_permissions` where entity ='global' and permission ='surveys';
so to update
UPDATE 'lime_permissions' set read_p ="0", update_p="0", delete_p="0", import="0", export="0" where uid>1
which will update/reset everyone to 'create' only except Admin. I didn't see Admin in this list.
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by lemonlimebitters.