i have selected call endUrl and specified the endUrl. When running in Demo-Mode the endUrl was called after finisheing the survey but in activated mode a thanks page was shown and the endUrl is shown as a link.
I'm using the endUrl feature to store information that a certain user has taken part in the survey, but only some user really click on the link and so the feature is nearly useless.
Is it possible to deactivate the thanks page or can i trigger a programm at the end of the survey automaticly.
I just did a little test with a sample survey on my installation and the redirect works fine if "Automatically load URL when survey complete?" (see above) is set to yes. My LS Version is 2.06+ 150930
Can you create a little survey (just one question) and make a test with the end url feature if this new little survey doesn't work either? Just to see whether it is a general problem of your installation or just a problem with this specific survey. We can then go forward from there.
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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Of course the switch "automatically load" was set. I think perhaps my problem comes from using frames. While testing the survey it was without frames an in in the final version I was using frames. So I hat a little bit to struggle using the redirection until I found the one for frames.
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