I had old survey on old version of LimeSurvey (Version 1.92+ Build 120613), but I want to migrate survey to latest version (Version 2.06+ Build 150831)... I can export survey structure and token to csv files... I can import survey structure and token to new one already... but I cannot import response from old to new one via vv file.. it always returns as "Error"
I try to do same instruction from this
, Ben_V suggested to
1) Export both VV files A and B
2) Open VV_A.csv with a text editor and copy the 2 first lines (with all the correct destination IDs)
3) Open VV_B. csv the same way and replace the 2 first lines with those copied from VV_A
4) Import VV_B... and check!
I do same way, but I get error message "199 responses cannot be inserted or updated."