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Detailed Notice administrator without carry return

  • mbarrera
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9 years 6 months ago #124749 by mbarrera
If it´s configured when somebody finish a survey, as administrator I receive a detailed notice administrator. After upgrade to Versión 2.06+ Build 15083 when I receive this email it appears without carry returns as follow:

Hello, A new response was submitted for your survey SURVEYNAME.Click the following link to reload the survey:RELOADURLClick the following link to see the individual response:VIEWRESPONSEURLClick the following link to edit the individual response:EDITRESPONSEURLView statistics by clicking here:STATISTICSURL

I check file /application/helpers/common_helper.php and It seem all is ok with \n characters and nl2br to include carry returns.

Somebody can help me.

Thanks for advance
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