Here it is: would like that the possible answers to a singel choice type questions (dropdown orelse) be detrermined by the answers provided to a question of another survey.
A bit of an overstretch I guess but some of you am sure have come across that kind of need no?
To help we need more info. How does the question in the first survey look like? How will the question in the second survey look like? Because for some constallations you could add the answers of the first survey as custom attributes to the token table of the second survey.
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Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Question 1 could be: "Choose X names from a given list (multiple choice question)"
Question 2 would then be: "Which of the names below is your favorite" from a dropdown list composed of the X names chosen in question 1
That isn't possible in a common way. You cannot pipe survey objects through the URL to a different survey.
It is possible to transfer codes and textparts. But you would have create variables to transfer from survey a to survey b. If you use 2.06+ you could use subquestion relvance to show only items which are choosen in survey A. Simplest form is to create a variable for every item in Survey 1 and transfer them all via URL to survey B.