I just setup a brand new Limesurvey server with latest release (Version 2.06+ Build 150729). I exported a survey from our 1.92 server in .lss format and could import it in the new server. I can edit questions, question groups, ... but when I try to preview the survey, a question group or a question, I get the page with "This survey cannot be tested or completed for the following reason(s):
For further information please contact Administrator (admin@ourdomain.com)"
The list of problems encountered should be displayed, but it is empty. How can I investigate this problem?
For test purpose I created a test survey and it works OK.
I also created an account on limequery.org (Version 2.05) and could successfully import the survey. But on this server the survey works perfectly well.
Thanks for any help,
Think it's better if you make a bug report with the 1.92 lss file.
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