I'm using L.S. 2.05+ build 150310 on Linux RHEL 7, PHP 5.4.43. When copying an array type question having multiple subquestions and answer options, only the first ones are copied. I suspect this has something to do with this OS/PHP version combination, because on Linux RHEL 5.5/PHP 5.3.3 it goes OK (same LS build).
I'm far from proficient in PHP, but I was wondering about the relevant code in ../application/controllers/admin/database.php (lines 474 & 496):
$r1 = Question::model()->getSubQuestions(returnGlobal('oldqid'));
while ($qr1 = $r1->read())
$r1 = Answer::model()->getAnswers(returnGlobal('oldqid'));
while ($qr1 = $r1->read())
Is there another way of coding this (foreach?) and if so, could anyone show me? Thx!