I'm looking at our installation of LimeSurvey at the moment. We are currently running 1.91 on Apache (Ubuntu). Is it possible to migrate this to a windows server, and to upgrade, or would it be necessary to run a fresh install?
With regards to updating to 2.05 or 2.06, is there a release history anywhere that lists the new features?
If we were to install a fresh version of LimeSurvey (on a windows box), is it possible to migrate current users and surveys from our original installation? If so, how easy is it to do?
Why don't upgrade the Linux version ? MySQL copy to do a copy of the DB, new installation using this DB.
To move a already made installation :
- must copy DB from one server to another one (if the 2 DB are same it's fine : mySQL ro mySQL, other is more complicated).
- Make a new install choose this new DB copy
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