Assume a participant in a study is asked to complete a task whoich he can do correctly or wrong. If he does it wrong he reveives feedback adn is then sent back to do the same task again - as long until he gets the answer right. questio is, whether for each time, when the subjects retries the task, a new screen has to be programmed or whteher the subjects can be sent back to the old screen. The complication is that all answer of the participants need to be saved. The function validation does not help, as it does not allow to save the input of the participant.
I only see a workaround quick here.
Create 10 group with the same question, the good answer is GOOD (for example) and the question code is Q1,Q2,Q3 ....
Condition for Q2 : Q1.NAOK!="GOOD", default value Q1.NAOK
Condition for Q3 : Q2.relevanceStatus and Q2.NAOK!="GOOD", default value Q2.NAOK
etc ...
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Thanks for your quick response! For the first treatment I used an old workaround now, which is long-winded to programm. But for the next treatment I will try to implement your suggestion and will tell you whether I managed to get it running .
Actually, with 2.06 : if you have a "mandatory" question in each group, you have a solution. For 2.05, you have another solution (something based on a NEW hidden question type. + X equation question type.
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Thank you very much, but could you be a bit more specific on the solution for version 2.05? That would be great. With the platform I am using I have access to version 2.05.