Dear Friends
I installed limeSurvey on "limesurvey" folder, because when instalation process, i have to create folder instalation, right ? so i create "limesurvey"
So the folder instalation is on \www\html\limesurvey
At this time when i access IP Server (intranet), my ip server just show "Apache 2 Test Page".
So when i want access limesurvey just with my ip server, just move all file instalation on "limesurvey" folder to "html" folder ? is it right ? (That's like on Joomla, next step just edit config.php)
The point is i want access my limesurvey with only my IP. So I want to sett my ip forwarding on my modem to access my limesurvey from other network.
Please help me ....
Tulus Budianto