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Bounce emails from Yahoo and Hotmail accounts

  • cdecker
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9 years 10 months ago #119897 by cdecker
Hi, I'm trying to help a LimeSurvey user at my school. I don't use this product, but have Admin access. Our user sent out 100+ surveys and all the ones that were sent to Yahoo or Hotmail addresses, got bounced. We use GAfE, (Google) as our mail server. I've reduced the batch number from 30 down to 5, in hopes that this might help. Anything else I can do to help this survey go out?
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9 years 9 months ago #120398 by jelo
It real depends on what kind of bounce errors are send back by Yahoo and Hotmail.
Are you sure the emails from Limesurvey are sent via the GMailserver?

What are the mail settings in Limesurvey global settings?
Most interesting is the choosen "Email method:".

The meaning of the word "stable" for users
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Moderators: holchtpartner

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