i think i notice this problem, i test it again now and get the same result.
update from 2.0 to 2.05 150310
lots of my survey has EM like {if(q1>=18,'big','small')}.after update, you can find lots of error as below
it means all the surveys cannot work after update.
It seems that you have to put your hands into PhpMyAdmin using REPLACE or other command.
UPDATE table_name SET column_name = REPLACE (column_name,'oldword','newword')
The most important & complicated is to know exactly which tables (e.g. lime_questions & lime_answers) and columns (e.g. question for lime_questions table) may contain those strings...
If too complicated or dangerous restore a complete backup, LS files+db
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reproduce with:
-super admin(it's default setting,we know js is have to use)
-filter html for xss yes
-html editor
1.creat a survey in 2.0,add EM {if(q1>=18,'big','small')}
2.update to 2.05 150310
3.run logic file
4.it's the same error when you creat new EM {if(q1>=18,'big','small')}
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. I don't answer to private message.