1. This assessment feature with assessment rules to display something at the end is absolutely outdated.
Nowadays we use ExpressionScript to calculate scores, values, results, whatever.
2. Usually you use the answer option code to calcualte things.
But assessment values can be useful, if you want to add a negative weight to an answer option, like
or equal weights to seveal answer option
To use assessment values here to calculate a sum is easier than to have to use a nested IF-statement
,1,if(Q1.NAOK==4,3,if(Q1.NAOK==5,5,0))))), if(Q2.NAOK==...))), if(Q3.NAOK==...)))}
Now please explain, what you want to achieve,
create a small sample survey and send the lss export.
I do not think this is related to "Future features"