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<h2><span style="color:#00467f;">Enfants et personnes à charge (majeurs protégés)</span></h2> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // A function to add or remove rows of an Array (Multi Flexible)(Text) question function varLengthArray(qID) { if ($('#question'+qID+'').length > 0) { // The HTML content of the Add/Remove elements - modify as you wish var addContent = '[+] Ajouter une ligne'; var removeContent = '[-] Retirer une ligne'; // Create the Add and Remove elements & insert them var el1 = document.createElement('div'); el1.setAttribute('id','addButton'+qID); el1.setAttribute('class','btn btn-primary'); document.body.appendChild(el1); var el2 = document.createElement('div'); el2.setAttribute('id','removeButton'+qID); el2.setAttribute('class','btn btn-danger'); document.body.appendChild(el2); // Move them to after the array $( 'div#addButton'+qID ).appendTo($( '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers' ).parent()); $( 'div#removeButton'+qID ).appendTo($( '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers' ).parent()); // Insert their HTML $( 'div#addButton'+qID ).html( addContent ); $( 'div#removeButton'+qID ).html( removeContent ); // Style the elements - you can modify here if you wish $( 'div#addButton'+qID ).css({ 'margin':'10px 0 10px 10px', 'padding':'1px', 'text-align':'center', 'width':'auto', 'cursor':'pointer', 'float':'left' }); $( 'div#removeButton'+qID ).css({ 'margin':'10px 0 0 10px', 'padding':'1px', 'text-align':'center', 'width':'auto', 'cursor':'pointer', 'float':'left' }); // Initially hide the Remove element $( 'div#removeButton'+qID ).hide(); // Call the functions below when clicked $( 'div#addButton'+qID ).click(function (event) { addRow(qID); }); $( 'div#removeButton'+qID ).click(function (event) { removeRow(qID); }); // Function to add a row, also shows the Remove element and hides the //Add element if all rows are shown function addRow(qID) { var arrayRow = '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers tr.subquestion-list'; var rowCount = $( arrayRow ).size() - 1; $( arrayRow + '[name="hidden"]:first' ).attr('name', 'visible').show(); $( 'div#removeButton'+qID ).show(); if ( $( arrayRow + ':eq(' + rowCount + ')' ).attr('name') == 'visible' ) { $( 'div#addButton'+qID ).hide(); } } // Function to remove a row, also clears the contents of the removed row, // shows the Add element if the last row is hidden and hides the Remove // element if only the first row is shown function removeRow(qID) { var arrayRow = '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers tr.subquestion-list'; var rowCount = $( arrayRow ).size() - 1; $( arrayRow + '[name="visible"]:last input[type="text"]' ).val(''); $( arrayRow + '[name="visible"]:last' ).attr('name', 'hidden').hide(); $( 'div#addButton'+qID ).show(); if ( $( arrayRow + ':eq(1)' ).attr('name') == 'hidden' ) { $( 'div#removeButton'+qID ).hide(); } } // Just some initialization stuff var arrayRow = '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers tr.subquestion-list'; var rowCount = ''; // Initially hide all except first row or any rows with populated inputs $( arrayRow ).each(function(i) { if ( i > 0 ) { // We also need to give the hidden rows a name cause IE doesn't // recognize jQuery :visible selector consistently $( this ).attr('name', 'hidden').hide(); $('input[type=text]', this).each(function(i) { if ($(this).attr('value') != '') { $(this).parents('tbody:eq(0)').attr('name', 'visible').show(); $( 'div#removeButton'+qID ).show(); } }); rowCount = i; } }); } } // Call the function with a question ID varLengthArray({QID}); }); </script><script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).on('ready pjax:scriptcomplete',function(){ var thisQuestion = $('#question{QID}'); // Add a question class thisQuestion.addClass('custom-array'); // Column-specific classes $('table.subquestion-list tr', thisQuestion).each(function(i) { $('th, td', this).each(function(i) { $(this).addClass('column-'+i); }); }); // Insert selects $('.answer-item.answer_cell_XSQ005', thisQuestion).addClass('with-select').append('<select class="inserted-select form-control list-question-select">\ <option value="">...</option>\ <option value="1">Oui</option>\ <option value="2">Non</option>\ </select>'); // Listeners on select elements $('.inserted-select', thisQuestion).on('change', function(i) { if($(this).val() != '') { $(this).closest('.answer-item').find('input:text').val($.trim($('option:selected', this).text())).trigger('change'); } else { $(this).closest('.answer-item').find('input:text').val('').trigger('change'); } }); // Returning to page $('.with-select input:text', thisQuestion).each(function(i) { var thisCell = $(this).closest('.answer-item'); var inputText = $.trim($(this).val()); var selectval = $('select.inserted-select option', thisCell).filter(function () { return $(this).html() == inputText; }).val(); $('select.inserted-select', thisCell).val(selectval); // 4th column conditional on 2nd column if($(this).closest('.answer-item').hasClass('answer_cell_X002')) { handleColumn4($('select.inserted-select', thisCell)); } }); // Clean-up styles $('select.inserted-select', thisQuestion).css({ 'max-width': '100%' }); $('.with-select input:text', thisQuestion).css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left': '-9999em' }); }); </script> <style type="text/css">.custom-array table.subquestion-list col { width: auto !important; } .custom-array table.subquestion-list thead .column-0 { width: 3%; } </style>