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/** * $chartfontfile - set the font file name used to created the charts in statistics - this font must reside in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts * Set this to specific font-file (for example 'DejaVuSans.ttf') or set it to 'auto' and LimeSurvey tried to pick the best font depending on your survey base language */ $config['chartfontfile'] = 'auto'; /** * $alternatechartfontfile - array of the font file name used to created the charts in statistics in specific langage - this font must reside in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts * Only used if $chartfontfile is set to auto. If font file doesn't exist in limesurvey root folder>/fonts, an alert is sent to admin */ $config['alternatechartfontfile'] = array( 'hi'=>'FreeSans.ttf', 'ja'=> 'migmix-1p-regular.ttf', 'ko'=>'UnBatang.ttf', 'si'=>'FreeSans.ttf', 'th'=>'TlwgTypist.ttf', 'zh-Hans'=>'fireflysung.ttf', 'zh-Hant-HK'=>'fireflysung.ttf', 'zh-Hant-TW'=>'fireflysung.ttf', ); /** * $chartfontsize - set the size of the font to created the charts in statistics */ $config['chartfontsize'] = 10;