Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: 6.5.4 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting:aeonfree Survey theme/template:Fruity
I am buiding a plugin that displays "long text type" responses.
While I did succeed at pulling the Questions data from the "limesurvey_questions" table ($questions = \Question::model()->findAll("sid = :sid and type = :type", array(":sid" => $surveyId,":type" => 'T'))
I couldn't find the data model for the "lime_survey_435435", with "435435" being the survey ID.
I tried the "$lesreponses=\Response::model($surveyId)->findAll($question->sid."X".$question->gig."X".$question->qid);" but didn't work.
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