Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: 6.3.1 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: own server Survey theme/template: own based on skelvanilla
Hi all,
My question revolves around a multiple choice question with one exclusive option. If I check any of the not exclusive options my exported csv data looks as expected (yes for the chosen, no for the not chosen).
But if I check the exclusive option I get: Yes for the exclusive option and N/A for the others.
Is this behavior wanted? and if it is wanted, is there an "easy" way to change that.
Yes I played around some more and "found out" or strengthen my assumption that it is connected to the relevance status of the subquestions. And that is baked way deep into LimeSurvey to fiddle with it.
I built a custom JS function to handle the exclusivity to fit our desired way.