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Your LimeSurvey version: LimeSurvey Community Edition; Version 5.4.4+221004
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Unknown (company owned, I'm just an employee)
Survey theme/template: Custom Theme? I'm not sure
I'm not sure if this will make sense...
Goal: Maybe I don't quite understand syntax well enough, but I was hoping to do something like:
max(if(question_type is Date in this Group), then add the code to this max array)
The idea is that if more Date question types are later added (because they will be or sometimes taken away), they won't have to be added to the group manually.
1) I can't find a way to reference group id.
2) Other than the max() array, I can't find a way to make a "generic" array to do this with, if need be.
Attempts to Parse the Group ID:
{if(this.type == "D","Y","N")}
We (other members of my team) didn't get far enough to even attempt the 2nd obstacle.
We did confirm that .type works to reference the question type though.
I've tried keyword searching "gid" and "group id" everywhere here, but found no documentation about how to get the Group ID, let alone the array stuff.
Please, help. All assistance is greatly appreciated. Ideally, syntax for an Equation type question is favorable, but if js is the only way to go, then that would be welcomed too.
Thank you all.