Your LimeSurvey version: Versión 5.6.26+230613
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: own server
Survey theme/template:
we are using the code "VBA For RemoteControl2 JSON RPC" from this
to import the answers' table of a survey in Excel (many thanks to the author). The table has 2185 (CFA) columns. Only the first row of the table, the header, has data in all cells (the codes for each question). The rest of the rows have data only in some cells.
The problem we are encountering in Excel is that the first row is truncated at column 1984 (BXH). The rest of the answers' data is imported fine, in the correct cells and their corresponding position.
We do not think it is a PHP problem, because we have set max_input_vars = 4000 and because the export of the answers to Excel using the limesurvey interface works correctly.
Any suggestions on the reason for this problem?
Thank you very much in advance