Ach, Manno, Anna-Lena
warum hast Du die Frage nicht im deutschen Teil gestellt?
Jetzt muss ich mir wieder unnötigerweise Englisch rausquälen.
Well, it is not doable this way.
The usual approach would have been do put all groups into the same "Randomization group".
Then ALL groups are displayed in random order.
BUT: You want to keep three groups together.
Meaning: Your design consists of "groups of groups". This is not supported by Limesurvey.
Unfortunately LimeSurvey has no real concept to separate logical grouping and visual grouping.
So we have to find something else.
One idea would be "tayloring".
Another one: Hard code some of the 24 possible ways to order the 4 "groups"
Let me think about it.
And I suggest to ask again in the German section.
There we can discuss without language gap.
In the meantime you may read my "Tutorial 3: Gimmicks", Chapter 2
(but you are allowed to read the others as well
In the German section, probably on page 4.