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<ul class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.surveylistrowdivbdivul }} list-unstyled ' {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.surveylistrowdivbdivul }}> {% for key, oSurvey in aSurveyInfo.publicSurveys %} <li class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.surveylistrowdivbdivulli }} btn-group col-sm-6 col-xs-12" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.surveylistrowdivbdivulli }}> <a href="{{ oSurvey.sSurveyUrl }}" title="{{ gT("Start survey") }}" lang="{{ oSurvey.language }}" class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.surveylistrowdivbdivullia }} btn btn-primary col-xs-12 allow-edit-{{oSurvey['alloweditaftercompletion']}}" data-allow-edit="{{oSurvey['alloweditaftercompletion']}}" > {{ oSurvey.localizedTitle }} </a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul>
<ul class=" surveys-list list-unstyled "> <li class=" btn-group col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/limeSurvey5x/index.php/444444?lang=en" title="Start survey" class=" surveytitle btn btn-primary col-xs-12 allow-edit-N" data-allow-edit="N" lang="en"> Test 1 </a> </li> <li class=" btn-group col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <a href="/limeSurvey5x/index.php/573255?lang=de" title="Start survey" class=" surveytitle btn btn-primary col-xs-12 allow-edit-Y" data-allow-edit="Y" lang="de"> Test 2 </a> </li> </ul>
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<script type="text/javascript" data-author="Tony Partner"> var oAllowedEdits = {}; </script> {% for key, oSurvey in aSurveyInfo.publicSurveys %} <script type="text/javascript" data-author="Tony Partner"> var thisSID = '{{ oSurvey["sid"] }}'; var thisAllowedEdit = '{{ oSurvey["alloweditaftercompletion"] }}'; oAllowedEdits[thisSID] = thisAllowedEdit; </script> {% endfor %} <script type="text/javascript" data-author="Tony Partner"> console.log(oAllowedEdits); </script>
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