Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: 5.3.32
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Self Hosted
Survey theme/template: Default
I am attempting to use Remote Control. My app's requirements is to take an existing survey, copy it, change some of the questions' text, add participants, and send it out. I have gotten everything working BUT changing question text. I can get the question via list_questions, which I can use to get a single question, and then access the [question] and [help] text elements. However, I'm not sure what call to use to send those elements (after changing them) back to the server. On the other hand I can get the question properties using get_question_properties and could use set_question_properties to update, BUT the properties don't seem to contain the [question] and [text] elements. What am I missing?
[Side Note: I see these values are stored in a separate table called lime_question|10ns, and I assume them being in separate tables has to do with why you can't update from question_properties, but I really hate to modify those tables outside of the model]