Dear all,
We use python scripts to automate some tasks. The scripts are based on the XML-RPC version of the remote control API (the main reason is because there is a XML-RPC client in the standard library).
Today I noticed that a script was no longer working (too bad it was the second time this script was used in production
. LS version is 3.27.1 (210531). It was updated since last time we used the script hence the breakage.
I tracked down the problem to the fact that the send_invitation function returns an invalid XML document (the name and email is anonymized):
<methodResponse><params><param><value><struct><member><name><![CDATA[6]]></name>\n<value><struct><member><name><![CDATA[name]]></name>\n<value><string><![CDATA[XXXX XXXX]]></string>\n</value></member><member><name><![CDATA[email]]></name>\n<value><string><![CDATA[]]></string>\n</value></member><member><name><![CDATA[status]]></name>\n<value><string><![CDATA[OK]]></string>\n</value></member></struct></value></member><member><name><![CDATA[status]]></name>\n<value><string><![CDATA[0 left to send]]></string>\n</value></member></struct></value></param></params></methodResponse>2021-06-04 16:10:39 CLIENT -&gt; SERVER: QUIT<br>\n'
Note that the email is correctly sent.
As you can see, the offending part is 2021-06-04 16:10:39 CLIENT -> SERVER: QUIT. I have looked at the source code of version 3.27.1 I wonder if the problem could come from limesurvey/application/third_party/phpmailer/src/SMTP.php. Any idea ?
Thanks in advance,