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Can you provide a LSS export of these three questions and attach it here? It's a lot easier to understand what you are doing and spot issues.The problem is that Q3 doesn't use the value stored in the database to evaluate the relevance equation. I tested that the relevance equation is correct by unhidding Q2 and answering it directly in the survey. Also, I can see in the response tab the inserting of the result of Q2 worked fine.
This seems to be the point.This question is hidden by entering 0 into the relevance equation
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // Function to run when message received function receiveMessage(event) { // Quit if message not from expected origin if (event.origin !== 'https://theIframeDomain.com') { return; } // It's a valid origin... else { if(event.data == 'Y') { $('#question{QID} input:radio[value="Y"]').trigger('click'); if(event.data == 'N') { $('#question{QID} input:radio[value="N"]').trigger('click'); } } } // Message listener window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); </script>