In the "nav_bar.twig" you find this section
<div id="{{ aSurveyInfo.id.navbar }}" class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.navbarcollapse }}" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.navbarcollapse }} >
<ul class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.navbarlink }} navbar-right" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.navbarlink }}>
{{ include('./subviews/navigation/save_links.twig') }}
{{ include('./subviews/navigation/clearall_links.twig') }}
{{ include('./subviews/navigation/question_index_menu.twig') }}
{{ include('./subviews/navigation/language_changer_top_menu.twig') }}
Here you may remove - or better - comment out the not desired links.
I do not know what you mean by "must be anonymous?"
In each type of survey (open, closed anonymous, closed not anonymous) it's the same:
Without this link a respondent who decides to finish the survey (because it is too long, to boring, ...) will close the browser window. But his answers up to this time remain in the answer table.
With the link he may finish and remove his given answers. In my opinion a cleaner solution.