thank you for your answer.
>Else : you don't explain nothing
I have some string that I need to show. I've done my custom theme but I don't find way for show this vars in the "layout_survey_list" and in "layout_global".
For all other pages I going to render twig from the plugin with "renderTemplateFromFile".
>> No way for add values to "aSurveyInfo"
>There are a feature request
I had understand, no way for it at now
> no way to read them from php Session
>Since surveyinfo come from model : why need it in $_SESSION ? our session >are bigger than needed, and we muts remove a lot of thinkgs, clearl not the >time to add something.
I don't care of all another, I've a two simple and short string to show in the template. if $_SESSION can be readed from twig I can use it. But I don't find how do it.
Other way ? Suggest ?
Sorry for my little english