I'm working on an R package to work with LimeSurvey (I plan to release to CRAN and will probably adopt some `limer` functions, see
Invalid consumer key/secret in configuration <- this is an URL to Twitter, no idea why this produces an error?).
(The package is called `limonaid` and the PkgDown website is at
The package currently facilitates programmatic creation of surveys and exporting them to .TSV files, which was a file format that was relatively easy to 'backwards engineer' with the help of the dedicated documentation page.
Ideally, however, the package can read/write .LSS files, too.
I couldn't find documentation about this, and discussed this using Twitter DM with Dorin Chirițoiu, and he asked me to create this post to discuss this further.
So, well - here we are
Is that documentation available somewhere but perhaps not online?
If not, what's the easiest way to produce it?
Or are there reasons why we don't actually _want_ that?
Thank you all in advance, kind regards,