Two days is very much accepted. (When writing the message I did not see anything referring to 4.2.)
What is the difference between change 4.x.y -> 4.x.y+1 and change 4.x.y -> 4.x+1.y? I see that 4.2 is available on the website but was not upgraded by ComfortUpdate (yet). Otherwise the changelog shows nothing big.
I am not a developer, that this is how I understand it:
C: this should be generally only bug fixes and minor stuff.
B: this could be smaller new features, etc.
A: Major release, there can be major changes that might "break" some things like plugins/themes, etc.
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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Yes, that is because we only recently have started to implemented the respective release schedule. Still learning! Next time will be better since we want to provide a certain window to users to merge fixes and features
LE: And holch summarized what you need to know about point releases